Mamaliguta Restaurant

Logo & Visual Identity

Environmental Graphics

We set out to create visual identity that reflects carefully preserved national traditions and evokes a warm, homelike feeling of comfort food.


The name and logo are inspired by traditional Moldavian dish – mamaliga. Mamaliga – is a corn flour porridge, originally a peasant dish, but like many other dishes of the poor has found its way to the tables of the finest restaurants. Traditionally mamaliga is much thicker than regular porridge. In fact, it’s so thick that it holds a shape of an iron cast pot and can be sliced like bread. This is exactly what the logo represents - a served portion of mamaliga. The word Mamaliguta is a diminutive name for mamaliga.


Color pallet and pattern drawings were inspired by traditional ornaments used by artisans to decorate carpets, clothes and clay dishes.

Logo Variation


Color Palette
